Best News
We are Best News, the leading and most trusted global news platform. We cover breaking stories on a daily basis with a focus on entertainment and lifestyles. We're one of the fastest growing sites on the internet, with over 16 million unique visitors a month.
Best News is always up to date with the latest on TV shows, music festivals, movies and more! Our readers are people who enjoy reading about what's going on in today's world and want to keep informed. They range in age from teens to middle-aged adults.
It all started back in 2013 when we had an idea that there were millions of people who love watching the news but don't have time to get through everything that happens in their day because they have careers or just busy lives. We wanted to create something that would make it easier for people so that they could stay updated for 24 hours without having to watch 6 hours of cable news every day (that sounded exhausting!).So we started Best News and now we're here!
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